Field Care

Proper care of your animal in the field can lead to a better finish mount and really help out your taxidermist. The two things that can cause major issues with your animal are heat and bacteria. If possible, get your animal to the taxidermist as soon as possible. If it will take a few days, make sure the blood is cleaned off of the animal and do not leave it soaked with water. Both blood and water are grounds for increased bacteria growth.

Frozen Hide

  • Lay the hide out flat to cool it first.

  • Roll it up with the head on the outside of the roll.

  • Properly seal it in a thick garbage bag with no air.

    If the hide is exposed to air in the freezer for a long time it can dry out and get freezer burn.

Shoulder Mount

  • Make your first cut all the way around the center of the animal.

  • Cut around each ankle.

  • Follow the hair pattern on the back of the leg and go all the way to the midway point on the body. DO NOT CUT INTO THE ARMPIT. Stay on the outside of the armpit.

  • Begin peeling the skin down to the head and cut the head off, leaving 3 inches of neck meat attached. (See Diagram)
